Community Group

Leader Application

Are you interested in leading a community group?
We would love for you to fill out the application below.

Community Group Leader Expectations

What is a community group leader?

  • A Community Group Leader is a disciple-making disciple, one who is able to model and replicate what it looks like to be a mature and maturing disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • It is both the baseline expectation and ideal to attain. No one will model this perfectly at all times. In it all, we are more concerned with who you are as a leader than the results you and your group produce.

  • That’s why, though not drastically different from any member of Plaza, as leaders, there are additional qualities of a disciple we seek to develop. We call them the three C’s of leadership.

The Three Cs of Leadership

Character: Who you are and are becoming in Christ. A leader is:

  • Humble before God and others. They display a lifestyle of dependence and teachability before God, His Word, and the body of Christ (Psalm 51:16–17).

  • Growing as a disciple. They display a lifestyle that is growing the eight identities of a disciple (2 Peter 1:5–8).

  • Loving toward others. They display a lifestyle that shows a desire to see others grow as disciples and for those who don’t know Jesus (locally, domestically, and internationally) to know him (Micah 6:8; Matthew 28:28–20).

Chemistry: Relational camaraderie and trust with others and the church. A leader is:

  • Committed to the church’s mission and values. Though our church isn’t perfect, a leader has a deep understanding of these things and an ability to lead from a place of trust in them (1 Corinthians 1:10).

  • In fellowship with the church body. No believer, leader, or group should be a “lone wolf” within the church. A leader is an active member in relationship with others (Hebrews 10:25).

Competency: Skills and passions we want leaders to grow in. All leaders will have some competencies they excel in, but growing in each of these areas is more important than where one begins. A leader should be growing:

  • In biblical truth and wisdom. They have a love for God’s Word and an understanding of how to read, facilitate, and discern application of it to them and their group (Psalm 139).

  • As a developer of others. They are able to spur on discipleship opportunities for growth and leadership to others (Colossians 1:27–29).

  • As an intentional caregiver. They are always showing tangible love for others, and in times of need, facilitate care for members of the group (Philippians 2:4).

  • As a recruiter. They are able to encourage group and individual involvement in discipleship and mission opportunities (2 Timothy 2:2).

  • In hospitality. They are welcoming to other members and strangers, whether the group is hosted in their home or someone else’s (1Peter 4:9).

  • Missionally. They are able to lead out in how their group can love others, our city, and our world by going (and sending) to the nations (Micah 6:8; Matthew 28:18–20)

  • Generosity. They are personally giving their time, talent, and treasure for the advance of the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33, 2 Cor 9:7)

How long am I committing?
It takes time to create a healthy Community Group environment that is marked by trust, transparency, and is conducive to transformation. Therefore, we expect all Community Group Leaders to commit to serving a 1-year term that will be assessed and potentially renewed every November.

If you are interested in this facet of ministry, please click the link below to fill out the application. Please set aside one hour to complete it.

Thank you for your interest!