Our Mission

Love God. Love each other. Love the world.


Love God:
Gospel-Centered Worship

We were created to find purpose, meaning, and satisfaction in God. However, because of sin, we tend to find purpose, meaning, and satisfaction in other things. The Bible calls this idolatry. Idols always over-promise and under-deliver. God sent His son, Jesus, to take the punishment for our idolatry, so that through repentance we could experience forgiveness, reconciliation, adoption, and transformation. Our worship gatherings are centered on thankfulness for what God has done for us in Christ and what God is doing in the world through the gospel.


Love Each Other:
Gospel-Centered Community

We were created to be in community. The gospel saves “me” to be part of a “we”. We live with gospel intentionality in small groups throughout the week to see believers encouraged, marriages strengthened, addictions broken, and disciple-makers developed.


Love the World:
Gospel-Centered Mission

We believe the gospel has come to us, works in us, and must go through us in word and deed. Rather than programming mission, we try to share the gospel through the everyday rhythms of where we live, eat, work, and play. We believe a gospel-centered church brings personal conversion, cultural renewal, and Christlike acts of mercy to a city.


Our Story


Our Values